We ventured forth into the Old Quarter with a caravan of teachers, all with the same sole motive - a soft, foam top piece for our mattresses. We arrived at what can only be logically called Mattress Street - left and right, the whole street was lines with stores selling mattresses, box springs, and top foam. We went from store to store, in search of the softest, most luscious foam we could find, to no avail. Even their ‘mem’ (soft) foam was still pretty firm.
We were about to give up hope until David, one of the teachers, spotted this:
Soft, spongy, amazing foam - we were saved! We hurriedly called the saleslady over to ask about procurement, to which she promptly laughed in our faces. Her son came over to translate - “This foam is not for sleeping! It’s for - for - for (as he struggled for the word) FOR INSULATION! Yes, sound-proofing!”
But, being the boorish Americans we are, we just had to insist on spreading it out on the floor and giving it a whirl. I won’t get into details, but let’s just say that it was love at first lay! We took turns laying on it, all the while the whole store stood laughing at the dumb Americans. After bargaining the price down 100,000 per sheet (we were buying five!), we loaded up a taxi and headed home, our sore backs resting easily.
Until next time,
a good mattress breaks it or makes it!! I'm glad you guys found something fluffy!
ReplyDeletethis is priceless!! I WISH I was there!!! I think you should be making a documentary of 2 Americans in Vietnam, it would be an instant hit